Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Parameters for POWL to refresh automatically

Steps to change the parameter in Iview:
If we need to change the configuration for Inbox, say APPLID for it is ‘GRRM_INBOX’ then Go to conetent management and select the required   iView and just change the application parameter to APPLID=GRRM_INBOX&REFRESHQ=X'  from  'APPLID=GRRM_INBOX'.


If you want the same feature for other POWLs as well then you can follow the same above mentioned steps. You just need to add '&REFRESHQ=X'  to the existing value of the Application Parameter.

Steps to change the parameter in Launchpad:
Go to transaction lpd_cust. Select Role as requirement for e.g. GRCASSESSM and in change launchpad role, select Risk Assessment -> Risk and Opportunities. Click on 'Show Advanced parameter'. In Application parameter, click on BI parameter and then enter the value REFRESHQ=X and save it. After this every time the user clicks on Risk and opportunity the POWL is refreshed.

POWL_WLOAD (Refresh Active POWL Queries):
One can use this report to update queries. If the report is scheduled as the background job, for example, you can update the queries overnight. Users then have access to the updated data when they start work, without having to refresh the data themselves. This is a way of controlling the server load.
For e.g. for Risk and Opportunity POWL, give Type and Application value as GRRM_RNP. This will refresh POWL for all users.

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